Current Graduate Students

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Photo: Jackson Andress

Jackson Andress

PhD Student - email

Education: BA in History, BA in International Studies from the University of Central Arkansas (2018), MA in History from the University of Arkansas (2023)

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Early Modern Europe, Renaissance and Early Modern Venice, Mediterranean Cultural History, Frontiers and Borderlands, Interfaith Studies, Naval History, History of Magic, Art History

Photo: Elena  Backus Y Herrera

Elena  Backus Y Herrera

MA Student - email

Education: Bachelor of Arts in United States History from Whittier College, Whittier, California.

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U.S./U.S. West, U.S.-Mexico borderlands, Gender and sexuality, Race and ethnicity, Museum studies, Archival practices 

Photo: Gina Benavidez

Gina Benavidez

PhD Student - email

Education: MA-Georgia Southern University, History MAT-Armstrong State University, Secondary History BA-University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, History and Humanities

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Modern Europe, Spanish Civil War-Interwar Period, Gender and Sexuality, Politics and Antifascism

Photo: Luke Betzner

Luke Betzner

PhD Student - email

Education: B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies Maranatha Baptist University M.A. Theology/History Wayland Baptist University Ph.D. (IP) Late Antique/Early Medieval Pagan/Christian Identities

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Late Antique/Early Medieval, Latin, Old Norse, Early German Ecclesiology, Early Christian Studies, Early Monasticism, Greek Patrology, Eastern Christianity, Western Christianity, Early Martyrology, Gothic, Gothic People, Early Arian Christianity, Early Church Heresies, Early Colonial Massachusetts (17th century), and Post-WWII US Occupied Germany

Photo: Gabriel Bowman

Gabriel Bowman

MA Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Europe

Photo: Meghann Chavez

Meghann Chavez

PhD Student - email

Education: : M.A. Florida International University, Public History. B.A. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, History and Economics

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Modern Latin America; politics and economy; gender; Cold War. My dissertation looks at the development of beauty salons in Chile between 1959 and 1998 – the women who owned them, the women who worked there, and the women they served – in order to explore the ways in which changes in political and economic structures affected small businesses, female labor, and the national economy. Estudio los salones de belleza en Chile entre los años 1959 y 1998 – las dueñas, las trabajadoras, y las clientas – para explorar cómo los cambios económicos y políticos afectaron a las pequeñas empresas, el trabajo de las mujeres y la economía nacional.

Photo: Jessica Cochran

Jessica Cochran

PhD Student - email

Education: B.A. German and Japanese with minor in Professional Writing, Elizabethtown College/ M.A. German, University of Wisconsin-Madison/ M.A. History, University of New Mexico

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Medieval Europe, Paleography and Codicology,  Manuscript Studies, Material Culture,  the Animal Turn, Frontiers and Borderlands, Intersections of Magic and Faith, Indigenous History, History Pedagogy, Museum Studies  

Photo: Katie Despeaux

Katie Despeaux

PhD Student - email

Education: BA in French and Psychology from Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland; MS in Clinical Psychology from Loyola University Maryland; currently dual-enrolled in the French and Francophone Studies MA program at UNM, MA in History at UNM 2023

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Late medieval Europe, especially the Mediterranean and the role royal women played in politics, cross-cultural interactions, and responses to trauma; obedience to sovereignty between the late medieval and early modern periods transition; uprisings and societal changes in these time periods; and the role of art in demonstrating cross-cultural interactions, political upheavals, and responses to trauma

Photo: Mitchell Freedman

Mitchell Freedman

MA Student - email

Education: BA in Political Science and History at Rutgers University, NJ (1979). JD from California Western School of Law in San Diego, CA (1982)

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: US History/US West, 19th and 20th Century with an interest in the politics, economics, and literature of those centuries.  

Photo: Dillon Gibbs

Dillon Gibbs

MA Student - email

Education: BA in History with a Minor in Sociology at the University of New Mexico

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: United States/US West history with an intersectional and interdisciplinary approach to research. 

Photo: Adam Hamlin

Adam Hamlin

MA Student - email

Education: Bachelors in Secondary Education with Concentration in History from UNM

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: United States History, History in K-12 Education, Influence of Politics on Historical Record and Education

Photo: Emily Heimerman

Emily Heimerman

PhD Student - email

Education: Villanova University - M.A. in History (Concentration: Medieval Europe); University of St. Thomas – B.A. in History with a minor in Theology

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Medieval European history (14th century), the Black Death, and greater themes of crisis, trauma, death and dying, religion, material culture, art history, and society.   

Photo: Myah Henderson

Myah Henderson

MA Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: US/US West

Photo: Alexis Hobart

Alexis Hobart

MA Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: 19th-20th century America, queer studies and how that reflects public reactions through methods such as language and legal documents

Photo: Joseph Holmes

Joseph Holmes

PhD Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Europe

Photo: Louis  Huning

Louis  Huning

MA Student - email

Education: B.A. History University of New Mexico

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U.S. West

Photo: Brett Janos

Brett Janos

PhD Student - email

Education: B.A. - History - University of West Florida M.A. - History - University of Texas at Austin J.D. - Litigation - Western Michigan University Cooley Law School

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests:  U.S. History, U.S. Immigration History, Race and Ethnicity, Immigration Law.  Working Dissertation Title:  “Americans Face Migration:  A Comparative Study of State Immigration Policy by Region, 1865-1925.” Dissertation Adviser:  Dr. David Prior

Photo: Barbara Korbal

Barbara Korbal

PhD Student - email

Education: M.A. Purdue University, American Studies; B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison, English and Theatre (Double Major)

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U.S. History; Gender, Sexuality, Race and Class Formation and Social Protest in the U.S.; Feminist Studies; Archive Theory and Practice

Photo: Ryan  Kulcak

Ryan  Kulcak

MA Student - email

Education: Bachelor of Arts in History from Texas A&M University

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Colonial Latin America/New Spain, race and ethnicity, syncretic African religious practices.

Photo: Grace Leishman

Grace Leishman

PhD Student - email

Education: BA International Studies (Conflict, Peace, & Diplomacy; Europe; Spanish), magna cum laude, minor in History from UNM; MA History, with distinction from UNM

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: United States, twentieth century, the Long and Global 1960s, Black Power, the modern Civil Rights Movement, rock music studies; Race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality.

Photo: Richard Maska

Richard Maska

PhD Student - email

Education: MA, the University of Chicago (2018) BA, Lewis University (2017) AA, Joliet Junior Collect (2014)

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: North American Borderlands, U.S. and Canadian West, Indigenous History, Gender, Military History, Space and Movement, Capitalism.  

Photo: Davis Massey

Davis Massey

MA Student - email

Education: Education: B.A. in History, University of Washington, Seattle (2023)

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U.S./U.S. West, U.S.-Mexico borderlands, labor and class, race and ethnicity, comparative racial formation, intellectual history 

Photo: Emma Masterson

Emma Masterson

MA Student - email

Education: Education: B.A. in Law, History and Culture (magna cum laude), University of Southern California

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U.S./U.S. West, Educational History, Gender, Race

Photo: John Matthews

John Matthews

MA Student - email

Education: Education: Bachelor of Arts in History, University of New Mexico 2021

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Modern Europe, United States, and Nationalism. Currently researching the teaching of trauma and difficult subjects in the context of modern Irish history.

Photo: Dylan Maynard

Dylan Maynard

PhD Student - email

Education: B.A. Monmouth University; M.A. New York University

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Argentina and Central America; Cold War Militaries; International Counterinsurgency Networks; and Gender & Sexuality.

Photo: Chase H. McCarter

Chase H. McCarter

PhD Student - email

Education: M.A. University of Alabama, History; B.A. University of Alabama, History

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Confederate Expatriation Movement; Nineteenth Century U.S. South; U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction; Transnational History; Affective History  U.S. to 1877/Race and Ethnicity

Photo: Kathy McCully

Kathy McCully

MA Student - email

Education: AA in Liberal Arts, AA in Pre-Management, BA in History and Anthropology, BA in Spanish and Chicano Studies.

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U. S. West History, New Mexico History Finishing up my Master's Thesis on 20th Century Abiquiu, New Mexico.  It is a oral history work on this small NM town.  

Photo: Edrea Mendoza

Edrea Mendoza

PhD Student - email

Education: M.A. Louisiana State University, History, B.A. University of Denver, History

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Latin America; 20th Century Latin America; Cold War; Mexico; State Making; Reproductive Choice; Family Planning; Sex Education; Dissertation Title: “'Planificar es cuestión de querer': Sex Education, Family Planning, and Women’s Reproductive Health in Cold War Mexico"  

Trevor Morrell

MA Student 

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Europe

Photo: Todd Morrison

Todd Morrison

PhD Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Historical archaeology, Late Antiquity, Celtic and Germanic peoples, the Early Middle Ages, Medieval and Early Modern Britain, and Eurasian nomads

Photo: Ethan Ortega

Ethan Ortega

PhD Student - email

Education: B.S. in Anthropology from Eastern New Mexico University; M.S. in Museum Studies from the University of New Mexico

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U.S. West; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communities; Gender and Sexuality; Identity; Cultural History; Oral History; Interdisciplinary Research.  

Photo: Marcellina Padilla

Marcellina Padilla

MA Student - email

Education: BA University of New Mexico Double major in History and Chicano/a Studies

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: 20th century U.S history. Focused primarily on the intersections of social movements, race, ethnicity, and major U.S. involved military conflicts of the 20th century. My area of interest also encompasses modern military history, veterans' lives and experiences, war and society, Mexican-Americans in the U.S. West and Southwest 

Photo: Zachary Perez

Zachary Perez

MA Student - email

Education: BA - University of New Mexico (2021) Double Major in History and Political Science, Minor in Classics, with a focus on Latin

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Roman Republic, Early Roman Empire, Anglo-Saxon England, Early Middle Ages in Western Europe, with an interest in Paleography and translating Latin  

Photo: Marisa Pickett

Marisa Pickett

PhD Student - email

Education: B.A. German with a minor in Microbiology, Texas State University, 2018 M.A. German, University of New Mexico, 2021, M.A. History University of New Mexico 2024

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Europe 1815-present. Post-1945 history, cultural history, social history, African Diaspora studies, Black history, decolonial studies, gender and sexuality studies, political activism, and forms of resistance. My area of study is the historical presence of Black/People of Color (PoC) in Central Europe, specifically in German-speaking countries. I also study the evolving perceptions of Blackness over time in the greater European context, from colonialism to the present. My thesis for German Studies (2021) unveiled anti-Black rhetoric in the German concept of ‘Heimat’ through investigating the documentary film Roots Germania, historical literature, and scholarly texts. My current thesis is a trans-cultural inspection of Black Art and Activism in Britain and Germany in the 1980s. I hope to utilize this research to combat the antithetical perceptions of European, specifically German, "culture" and question traditional concepts of "belonging" as Black/PoC in a traditionally white space.    

Photo: Carlyn N. Pinkins

Carlyn N. Pinkins

PhD Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: U.S. since 1877, Race and Ethnicity, 20th Century American Indian History, African -Americans in the Southwest

Photo: Adam Polk

Adam Polk

PhD Student - email

Education: : BA in History, Western Michigan University (2010), MA in Geography, Western Michigan University (2012), Graduate Certificate Program In Geographic Information Science (2012), Western Michigan University

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Early Modern Europe, Early Modern France, Politics and Economy, Geography

Photo: Andrej Radic

Andrej Radic

PhD Student - email

Education: B.S. University of California, Chemistry; M.A. San Diego State University, History

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Politics and Economy, War and Society, Race and Ethnicity

Photo: Sierra  Ramirez

Sierra  Ramirez

PhD Student - email

Education: MA in History, University of Texas at San Antonio; BA in History, University of Texas at San Antonio

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Western United States; Twentieth-century Indigenous sovereignty, land tenure, borderlands, & resistance; gender; environmental history; decolonial and critical Indigenous methodologies 

Photo: Mari Rochelle

Mari Rochelle

MA Student - email

Education: University of New Mexico - BA in History and Political Science, National Security and Strategic Analysis Certificate; Community College of the Air Force - AAS in Communications; IC-CAE - Critical Technologies Studies Certificate.

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Drawing on her military experience and undergraduate studies in the history and politics of Cold War and post-Cold War Europe and Russia, including the Impact of NATO expansion on Russia’s relations with the West, Mari's graduate-level focus is Europe’s post-Cold War geopolitical and cultural aftermath into the 21st century;  the history of Intelligence Collection and organizations; Aerospace History and Policy (including the gender divide and role of the American West).  Mari is concurrently working on a Professional Master of Science in Global and National Security, examining the national security and policy implications of space-based weapons developments, as well as the continued impacts of the Post-Cold War era on political, military, and economic stability in Europe.  Mari is an active scholar in UNM’s IC CAE National Security and Critical Technologies Studies Program (NSSP/CTSP).

Photo: Andrew Rodriguez

Andrew Rodriguez

MA Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: US/US West

Photo: Teresa Rodriguez Sotelo

Teresa Rodriguez Sotelo

PhD Student - email

Education: M.A Latin American Studies, CSULA; B.A Spanish Studies and Latin American Studies, UCSC; AA Spanish Literature, ELAC.

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: My interests are the implications of human rights violations throughout Latin America, emphasizing Mexico. Including the visualization and exposure of the underlying systemic and human factors that have led to the use of violence as a form of terror and repression in social movements in Mexico since the 1960s. Other interests: Cold War, Cristero War, Military Intervention, Disappearances, Social Justice, U.S. intervention in Latin America, Women in Student Movements.

Photo: Gavin Rogers

Gavin Rogers

PhD Student - email

Education: MA History - University of Colorado, Colorado Springs May 2023; Bachelor of Arts History - University of Colorado, Colorado Spring, CO

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Migration and Identity throughout Europe. Prior Managing Editor, The Springs, UCCS Graduate History Journal (2022) Research Assistant, Immersive Global Middle Ages Institute (NEH grant) The Medieval Institute, 2023 Tashjian Travel Award for participation in the 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University  

Photo: Simon Ruybalid

Simon Ruybalid

MA Student - email

Education: Bachelor of Arts, UNM 2024

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Latin America

Photo: Mateus Santos

Mateus Santos

PhD Student - email

Education: M.A. Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil); B.A. Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil)

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Public history, digital humanities and Latin America. YouTube link to Mateus's

Photo: Andrew Schumann

Andrew Schumann

MA Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: United States

Photo: Hadas Segal

Hadas Segal

PhD Student - email

Education: M.A. Tel Aviv University, History; B.A. Tel Aviv University, History and Literature.

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Gender and Sexuality Studies;  Disabilities Studies; Labor History; Queer History; History of Medicine; Social and Cultural History; Intellectual History. I am interested in all the ways in which unequal and social relations, for which gender was a major signifier, were updated and remodeled to shape the needs of the state, the economy, and the social order and thus made possible, or impossible, women's mobilization of across the political spectrum during the 19th and 20th centuries in Latin America. I am especially drawn to pioneering women in Latin American history and their narratives, as I seek to answer how they inserted themselves into the public discourse. Currently, I focus on the three Uruguayan Luisi sisters, Paulina, Clotilde, and Luisa,  who became pioneers in fields previously barred to members of their gender at the beginning of the 20th century. 

Photo: Jonathan Seyfried

Jonathan Seyfried

PhD Student - email

Education: B.A. in English and Sociology from the University of Michigan; M.A. in Education (Secondary, History) from Stanford University

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Queer History, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Medieval European Cultural History, Late Medieval Iberia, Late Medieval Financial History, Medieval and Early Modern Intellectual History, History of Magic, History of Medicine, Disability Studies, Paleography and Codicology

Photo: Holly Smith

Holly Smith

MA Student - email

Education: BA in History and Political Science with a Minor in Spanish from the University of Florida

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Central America and Caribbean; 20th Century; Cold War; Public Health, Disease, and Medicine; Revolution, Nationalism, and Authoritarianism; Labor and Intellectual History

Photo: Angela Stevenson

Angela Stevenson

PhD Student - email

Education: MA History, New Mexico State University; Master's of Secondary Education (M.Ed.), Eastern New Mexico University; BA History, BA Anthropology with a minor in Religious Studies from New Mexico State University

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests:  U.S. History, Gender. Memory of the American Civil War and Reconstruction.   

Photo: Abigail Swanson

Abigail Swanson

MA Student - email

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: US/US West

Photo: Ryan Swardson

Ryan Swardson

MA Student - email

Education: Bachelor of Arts in United States History, University of New Mexico

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: My academic interests focus on the evolution of U.S. military history across key eras and their impact on political and global dynamics. This includes the formative conflicts of early America, such as the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Mexican-American War, which shaped the nation's foundational military identity. I am also deeply engaged in the study of modern U.S. military and political history, particularly the Cold War era and its influence on global military strategy and political alliances. Additionally, I explore U.S. involvement in Latin American revolutions and contemporary political and military interactions in the region, examining how these engagements reflect and shape broader geopolitical trends. 

Photo: Benedict Talley

Benedict Talley

MA Student - email

Education: B.A. in History and East Asian Studies (Japanese Concentration), UNM 2019

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Meiji Era Japan, Late 19th and Early 20th century America, Intellectual History, Transnational History  

Photo: Jacquelyn Truitt

Jacquelyn Truitt

MA Student - email

Education: Currently dual-enrolled in History and Museum Studies MA programs; BA History and Archaeology, Museum Studies Minor, UNM; AA Anthropology, CNM

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: The Viking Age, medieval Scandinavian and Nordic history, food culture, feasting and ritual, material culture, archaeology, public history, interpretation, collections management, provenance research, and interdisciplinary collaboration.  

Photo: Joseph Ukockis

Joseph Ukockis

PhD Student 

Education: M.A. Northern Arizona University; B.A. University of Arizona

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Nineteenth century U.S. Southwest and Borderlands; New Mexico history; Native history; colonialism, land, and resistance; bordertowns and policing; interdependence and relationality.

Photo: Marie  von Haas

Marie  von Haas

PhD Student - email

Education: MA University of Colorado, Denver, Global History, American West BA University of Colorado, Denver , International Studies

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests:  Research interests are focused on the Japanese within broader matrices of the American West and the United States. She also studies U.S. History,  World War I & II,  Japan’s history, and Immigration. Her M.A thesis drew from the experiences of her mother, a “Japanese War Bride” and herself, an “Occupation Baby” post-WWII. 

Photo: Taren-Layne Warfield

Taren-Layne Warfield

MA Student - email

Education: BA in History, University of New Mexico, AA in Liberal Arts, University of New Mexico

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: US History, US West. My area of study focuses on the history of people with disabilities in pop culture along with the history of activism for those with disabilities within the United States. 

Photo: Ariel  Wiebe

Ariel  Wiebe

PhD Student - email

Education: B.A. in history, North Greenville University, M.A. in history, Liberty University

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Twentieth-century U.S. history, with an emphasis on race, ethnicity, citizenship, and the interaction between Western and non-Western cultures.

Photo: Kory Williams

Kory Williams

PhD Student - email

Education: B.S. Eastern New Mexico University. History major, English minor M.A. Midwestern State University. Concentration: Ancient and Medieval Europe

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Europe in the Early and High Middle Ages; prostitution, human trafficking, cross-cultural and interreligious connections/relationships, gender and sexuality, power, Beyond Exceptionalism.

Cassidy Zachary

PhD Student - email

Education: BFA in Design and Technology, University of New Mexico, MA in Fashion and Textile Studies, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York

Area and Thematic Fields/Interests: Fashion, Race, Gender, and Embodied Identity;  North American Borderlands, U.S. West