Noel Pugach

Professor Emeritus
Office: Mesa Vista 2056
B.A.., Brooklyn College, 1960
M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1962
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1967
Research Statement:
In diplomatic history, Pugach has done extensive research on the economic side of Sino-American relations. He is working on an overview of Chinese-American relations from 1900 to the Communist takeover of China in 1949. He is researching the Mama Lucy faction of the New Mexico Democratic Party in the 1970s.
Noel H. Pugach is Professor Emeritus of History at the University of New Mexico. He specializes in U.S. Foreign Relations, with an emphasis on U.S.-China relations in the 20th century. He has also taught courses on Jewish History and the Holocaust. In recent years, Dr. Pugach has been studying He also studies New Mexico Jewish History since the mid-nineteenth century to the present. He is the author two monographs and has co-authored and co-edited a volume of Social Security. He has published more than two dozen articles and essays and over fifty book reviews; he has presented numerous papers and lectures to a wide variety of audiences. Since 1983, he has given first-person Chautauqua-style presentations and currently performs as Harry Truman, John Steinbeck, and Lew Wallace.
Recent/Select Publications:
Pioneer Jewish Families in New Mexico , coedited with Richard Melzer (Santa Fe, NM Goan Press, 2018)
Four Alsatian Jewish Families Shape Downtown Albuquerque (New Mexico Jewish Historical Society, 2016)
Tong Chuag Yi Meg: Zhong Hua Mao Ye Yin Hang De I Shi, Chinese Translation of Same Bed, Different Dreams: A History of the Chinese American Bank of Commerce, (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014)
"The Rise to Power of David Salman," New Mexico Historical Society (Las Vegas, NM), May 2, 2014
Paul S. Reinsch: Open Door Diplomat in Action (Milwood, NY, 1979)
Co-editor and contributor, Social Security: The First Half Century: Albuquerque, 1988)
Same Bed, Different Dreams:
"The Wertheim-Vorenberg Families (Albuquerque, 2004)
Humanitarian Award (Harold Albert Service Award) Jewish Community Center, Albuquerque, NM August 2018
Distinguished Service Award, New Mexico Jewish Historical Society , June 2018