History Department Publishes A Career Diversity Handbook for History PH.D. Programs
Departmental News
Posted: Oct 02, 2018 - 12:00am
"The Career Diversity Committee at the UNM History Department, in conjunction with the American Historical Association and the Mellon Foundation, is proud to announce the publication of Career Diversity for Historians: A Career Diversity Resource Guide for History Ph.D. Programs. This handbook is based on several years of experience as a pilot program for the AHA’s Career Diversity Initiative, and it explores the theoretical and practical considerations of implementing alt-ac and professional programming for our graduate students. It includes advice on diversifying course development, engaging faculty, graduates, and alumni, lessons learned along the way, professionalization workshops, as well as many other topics of interest. Although we designed it for historians, we believe its content applies to numerous fields, especially within the humanities, arts, and social sciences. Our hope is that readers find guidance and support for their own career diversity efforts. For a digital copy of the handbook, please see the link here: http://history.unm.edu/career-diversity/resource-guide.html. If you have further questions or comments, or would like a hard copy, please contact the UNM History department at history@unm.edu or (505) 277-2451."