Current Graduate Courses

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Click on a course title below to view description and section details

NOTE: This data is offered for your convenience only. The schedule data is updated regularly and may not reflect recent changes to the Schedule of Classes. For full, up-to-date course information please contact the Registrar's office.

Spring 2025

500 Level

500 - T: Studies in History

Will vary from instructor to instructor, but will be an in-depth analysis of specific historical problems. For course content, consult Schedule of Classes.

003Recitation3T, R
1100 - 1215
Woodward Lecture Hall - 147
Timothy Graham
004Topics3T, R
1400 - 1630
Ortega Hall - 107
Frederick Gibbs

504 - High and Late Middle Ages

This course will survey developments in European civilization from the middle of the eleventh through the sixteenth century. Students will study the growth and changes in high and late medieval society, culture, and life.

001Lecture3T, R
0930 - 1045
Dane Smith Hall - 225
Michael Ryan

519 - Spain & Portugal since 1700

Survey of Spanish and Portuguese history since the war of Spanish Succession through Spain and Portugal's successful democratic transitions, with special emphasis on the second Spanish Republic and Civil War.

001Lecture3M, W, F
1200 - 1250
Mitchell Hall - 119
Enrique Sanabria

596 - T: Studies American History

Will vary from instructor to instructor, but will be an in-depth analysis of specific topics within the overall field of American history.

005Topics3T, R
0800 - 1030
Dane Smith Hall - 126
Robert Jefferson
003Topics3T, R
1400 - 1515
Collaborative Teaching & Learn - 230
Karen Leong
002Topics3M, W, F
1300 - 1350
Mitchell Hall - 102
Jason Smith

597 - T: Studies Latin Amer History

Studies in Latin American History will vary from instructor to instructor, but will be an in-depth analysis of specific historical problems related to the Latin American region. For course content, consult Schedule of Classes.

001Lecture3T, R
1400 - 1515
Ortega Hall - 153
Kimberly Gauderman
002Lecture3T, R
0930 - 1045
Dane Smith Hall - 318
Luis Herran Avila

599 - Master's Thesis

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

001Thesis1 TO 6Timothy Graham
002Thesis1 TO 6Larry Garcia y Griego
003Thesis1 TO 6Tiffany Florvil
004Thesis1 TO 6Judy Bieber
005Thesis1 TO 6Larry Ball
006Thesis1 TO 6Michael Ryan
007Thesis1 TO 6Sarah Davis-Secord
008Thesis3David Prior
016Thesis1 TO 6Caleb Richardson
009Thesis1 TO 6Kimberly Gauderman
010Thesis1 TO 6Samuel Truett
011Thesis1 TO 6Elizabeth Hutchison
012Thesis1 TO 6Jason Smith
013Thesis1 TO 6Paul Hutton
014Thesis1 TO 6Shannon Withycombe
015Thesis1 TO 6Holly Guise
017Thesis1 TO 6Katherine Massoth
018Thesis1 TO 6Robert Jefferson
019Thesis1 TO 6Melissa Bokovoy
020Thesis1 TO 6Enrique Sanabria
021Thesis1 TO 6Erika Monahan
022Thesis1 TO 6Karen Leong

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600 Level

624 - Everyday Life under Socialism

This course examines life under socialism and explores topics as diverse as the party-state, terror, lifestyles, women's double burden, socialist fashion and consumption, youth culture and music, the appeal of the West, dissidence, revolution and systemic transition.

001Lecture3M, W, F
1100 - 1150
Univ Advise & Enrich Center - B90
Melissa Bokovoy

652 - Women in Modern Latin America

Course will focus on women in Latin America, 1821-present, through various historical developments. Will explore political themes, such as suffrage, revolution and military regimes and social dimensions of class, race, ethnicity, work and family.

001Lecture3M, W
1500 - 1615
Collaborative Teaching & Learn - 210
Elizabeth Hutchison

665 - Sem: Research Methods

Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study. Restriction: permission of department graduate advisor.

1300 - 1530
Mesa Vista Hall - 2046
Shannon Withycombe

668 - Sem: Medieval

Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study. Restriction: permission of department graduate advisor.

1600 - 1830
Mitchell Hall - 107
Timothy Graham

685 - Sem: Borderlands

Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study. Restriction: permission of department graduate advisor. Restriction: permission of department graduate advisor.

1600 - 1830
Mesa Vista Hall - 1101
Samuel Truett

687 - Sem: Recent Latin America

Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study. Restriction: permission of department graduate advisor.

1600 - 1830
Mesa Vista Hall - 1101
Luis Herran Avila

690 - Sem: Latin American Studies

(Also offered as LTAM 504) Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study. Restriction: permission of department graduate advisor.

1600 - 1830
Mesa Vista Hall - 2046
Kimberly Gauderman

697 - Problems

Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.

008Independent Study1 TO 9Timothy Graham
007Independent Study1 TO 9Enrique Sanabria
012Independent Study1 TO 9Jason Smith
014Independent Study1 TO 9Larry Garcia y Griego
032Independent Study1 TO 9Margaret Connell-Szasz
034Independent Study1 TO 9Paul Hutton
002Independent Study1 TO 9Tiffany Florvil
038Independent Study1 TO 9Melissa Bokovoy
041Independent Study1 TO 9Virginia Scharff
044Independent Study1 TO 9Judy Bieber
050Independent Study1 TO 9Samuel Truett
051Independent Study1 TO 9Kimberly Gauderman
052Independent Study1 TO 9Elizabeth Hutchison
055Independent Study1 TO 9Barbara Reyes
056Independent Study1 TO 9Larry Ball
057Independent Study1 TO 9Erika Monahan
018Independent Study1 TO 9Charlie Steen
003Independent Study1 TO 9Frederick Gibbs
004Independent Study1 TO 9Shannon Withycombe
016Independent Study1 TO 9Caleb Richardson
020Independent Study1 TO 9Michael Ryan
006Independent Study1 TO 9David Prior
011Independent Study1 TO 9Robert Jefferson
017Independent Study1 TO 9Luis Herran Avila
022Independent Study1 TO 9Sarah Davis-Secord
009Independent Study1 TO 9Holly Guise
010Independent Study1 TO 9Katherine Massoth
013Independent Study1 TO 9Karen Leong

699 - Dissertation

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. Restriction: permission of department graduate advisor.

012Dissertation3 TO 12Jason Smith
014Dissertation3 TO 12Larry Garcia y Griego
018Dissertation3 TO 12Charlie Steen
007Dissertation3 TO 12Enrique Sanabria
005Dissertation3 TO 12Erika Monahan
032Dissertation3 TO 12Margaret Connell-Szasz
034Dissertation3 TO 12Paul Hutton
038Dissertation3 TO 12Melissa Bokovoy
044Dissertation3 TO 12Judy Bieber
050Dissertation3 TO 12Samuel Truett
051Dissertation3 TO 12Kimberly Gauderman
052Dissertation3 TO 12Elizabeth Hutchison
055Dissertation3 TO 12Barbara Reyes
056Dissertation3 TO 12Larry Ball
041Dissertation3 TO 12Virginia Scharff
008Dissertation3 TO 12Timothy Graham
002Dissertation3 TO 12Tiffany Florvil
003Dissertation3 TO 12Frederick Gibbs
004Dissertation3 TO 12Shannon Withycombe
016Dissertation3 TO 12Caleb Richardson
019Dissertation3 TO 12Luis Campos
020Dissertation3 TO 12Michael Ryan
006Dissertation3 TO 12David Prior
011Dissertation3 TO 12Robert Jefferson
017Dissertation3 TO 12Luis Herran Avila
009Dissertation3 TO 12Katherine Massoth

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