Elizabeth Hutchison

Regents' Professor in Arts and Sciences
Email: ehutch@unm.edu
Office: Mesa Vista Hall 2083
B.A. Comparative Study of Religion, Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, 1986
M.A. Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
Ph.D. History, University of California, Berkeley, 1995
Research Interests:
Latin American Labor History, Twentieth-Century Chile, Gender and Sexuality, Human Rights, Sexual Harassment Prevention in Higher Education
Research Statement:
Dr. Hutchison's professional trajectory has been deeply shaped by the political and economic context of twentieth-century Latin America, particularly U.S. intervention and the spread of authoritarian regimes. Concerns about social justice, democracy, and human rights have driven her engagement with Chilean history, as well as the study of labor, gender, and sexuality in 20th-century Latin America.
In addition to UNM, where she has worked since 1998, Dr. Hutchison has held Fulbright teaching fellowships at the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (2019) and the Universitat Romiro I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain (2005), as well as visiting positions at the Instituto de Desarollo Económico y Social, Argentina (2012), the Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer at the Universidad de Granada, Spain (2006), and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (1999). She advises History and Latin American Studies graduate students who work on Chile, Argentina, and other Latin American countries, on topics ranging from LGBTQ, human rights, feminist, and indigenous movements to histories of reproduction and disability in twentieth-century Latin America.
Since 2014, Dr. Hutchison has worked with Dr. Kimberly Gauderman on "Practicing Asylum," a project to build a comprehensive network of expert witnesses available to testify on behalf of Latin American victims of domestic violence, LGBT discrimination, and mother-child detention. Co-founder of Faculty for a Sexual Assault-Free Environment at UNM (Faculty SAFE), Dr. Hutchison works to promote changes in policy, strengthen support and advocacy, and advance research on campus sexual violence, both at UNM and nationally. Since 2020, she has served as Associate Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, developing enhanced support to faculty and staff who experience bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment.
Recent/Select Publications:
The Chile Reader: History, Culture, Politics, Co-edited with Thomas Miller Klubock, Nara Milanich, and Peter Winn (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013)
Labors Appropriate to Their Sex: Gender, Labor, and Politics in Urban Chile, 1900-1930 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001). Also published as Labores propias de su sexo, trans. Jacqueline Garreaud, 2nd ed (Santiago: LOM Ediciones, 2015)
Disciplina y desacato: Construcción de identidad en Chile, siglos XIX y XX, with Lorena Godoy, Karin Rosemblatt and Soledad Zárate, eds. (Santiago: SUR/CEDEM, 1995)
El Movimiento de derechos humanos en Chile, 1973-1990, with Patricio Orellana (Santiago: CEPLA, 1991)
“Luchar contra la exclusión. Los trabajadores domésticos y sus aliados demandan una legislación laboral, 1923-1945,” Carolina González Undurraga, trans., Revista Historia y Justicia [online] 20 (2023)
"Reporting is not supporting: Why mandatory supporting, not mandatory reporting, must guide university sexual misconduct policies", Article co-authored with Kathryn J. Holland, Courtney E. Ahrens, and M. Gabriela Torres, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: 52 (December 2021)
“Making Campus Safer: Academics Fighting Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment,”The Academic’s Handbook, Erika Pérez and Jocelyn Olcott, eds. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2020), pp. 302-317
“Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Cuban Revolution: Conversations with Margaret Randall,” Special Issue: Revolutionary Positions: Sexuality and Gender in Cuba and Beyond, Isabella Cosse and Michelle Chase, coord., Radical History Review 136 (January 2020): 185-19
“Clases medias en Chile: Estado, género y practices políticas, 1920-1970,” Chapter co-authored with María Soledad Zárate Campos, Historia política de Chile 1810-2010: Tomo prácticas políticas, Iván Jaksic, Juan Luis Ossa, Susana Gazmuri, Francisca Rengifo and Andrés Estefane, eds., (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017), 271-300.
“Domestic Service and Labor Laws in Chile and Argentina, 1931–1956,” Chapter co-authored with Inés Pérez, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, 2017. Published in Spanish as “Regulando el servicio doméstico: patrones, trabajadores, y la legislación laboral en Chile y Argentina (1931-1956),” in Ricardo Cicerchia, ed., Región y naciones: Instituciones, ciudadanía y performances sociales Chile y Argentina (Siglos XIX-XXI) De lo local a lo global (Rosario, Argentina: Prohistoria Ediciones, 2017)
“The Problem of Domestic Service in Chile, 1924-1952,” Chapter in Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, Silke Neunsinger and Dirk Hoerder, eds., “Towards a Global History of Domestic Workers and Care Workers,” Brill: Leiden, The Netherlands, May 2015, pp. 511-29.
"Identidades y Alianzas: El movimiento de las Trabajadoras de Casa Particular en la Guerra Fría,"Nuevo mundo, mundos nuevos (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), 11 April 2013
“Shifting Solidarities: The Politics of Household Workers in Chile, 1967-1988,” Hispanic American Historical Review 91:1 (February 2011): 129-162
"Women in Modern Latin American History,"Oxford Bibliographies Online: Latin American Studies, Jennifer Vafidis, ed., Oxford University Press, 2011
"Muchas Zitas: La Juventud Obrera Católica y las empleadas de casa particular," in Mujeres: Historias chilenas del siglo XX, ed. Julio Pinto Vallejos (Santiago: LOM Ediciones, 2011)
“Many Zitas: The Young Catholic Worker and Household Workers in Postwar Chile,” Labor: Studies in the Working-Class History of the Americas 6:4 (Winter 2009): 67-94
"From La mujer esclava to la mujer limón: Anarchism and the Politics of Sexuality in Chile, 1901-1926,"Hispanic American Historical Review 81 (2110): 519-54
“La historia detrás de las cifras: La evolución del censo Chileno y la representación del trabajo femenino, 1895-1930,”Historia (Chile) 33 (2000): 417-34
“’El fruto envenenado del arbol capitalista’: Women Workers and the Prostitution of Labor in Urban Chile, 1896-1925," Journal of Women's History 9 (1998): 131-50
Fulbright Specialist, "Gender and Work in Twentieth Century Latin America," Argentina, July-August 2019
Fellow in Residence, Women’s International Study Center, Santa Fe, NM, February-March 2019
Marjorie Bell Chambers Distinguished Professor, 2018-2019
Snead-Wertheim Endowed Lectureship (UNM), “Engendering Transition: Men, Women, and the Struggle for Human Rights in the Southern Cone,” 2013-2014
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, "From Servants to Workers: Domestic Service and the Rights of Labor in Twentieth-
Century Chile," Summer 2013
Fulbright Senior Lecturer, “Gender History in the Americas: Building Ties to Spain,”Universitat Romiro I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, Fall 2005
UNM Lecture Courses:
Modern Latin America
Women in Modern Latin America
Latin American Religions
Chile and Argentina since 1820
Latin American Labor and Working-Class History
Military and Society in Latin America
The Other 9/11: Chilean Dictatorship
Latin American Film
UNM Graduate Seminars:
Gender and Sexuality in Latin America
Historiography of Modern Latin America
Women's Rights in Latin America
Latin American Labor History
Public Violence in Latin America
Advanced Historical Methods
Dissertation/Professionalization Workshop
International Courses (Chile, Argentina, Spain):
Genero y Trabajo en America Latina
Mujeres de America Latina